Monday, August 31, 2009

Good Friends are hard to come by..we a BLESSED!!

We had a ton of rocks delivered last week, and Scott had planned on getting it all spread out in the backyard, but with Kims passing the rocks could and would wait. Well Scott got a phone call a couple of days ago from his good friend Austin (they work on the fire dept together) that he would be here Monday morning with about 8 to 10 guys to take care of it for him, and anything else we may have needed. It really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes as Scott told me what they had planned. I know we have the best group of love and support that anyone could ever have. Well instead of sitting here blogging about it, Im going to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy watching a bunch of cute sweaty firemen moving rock in my backyard! Wonder if they will notice me taking pictures!! LOL

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