Sunday, August 16, 2009

party time

Today we went to Ki ki's 6th birthday, it was bittersweet..nice to be able to go to her birthday party, but with Kim still in the hospital it just wasn't the same without her. Hopefully she will get to come home very soon, she is very strong, and has a wonderful attitude and very determined to kick cancers butt and if anyone can I know SHE can!! There were so many wonderful friends there who all pitched in to make this day special for Ki Ki. Jaden and Landyn also received some really neat presents from Aunt Karrie and Aunt Kathy for their birthdays..Thanks so much I know the girls really appreciate it!! I really wish I had pictures but I walked out the door without my camera.

1 comment:

Stefany Pew said...

I know Kim can beat this!!! She is the strongest person I know. SERIOUSLY! Her determination and strength shocks me on a daily basis. Ki Ki is so lucky to have so many loved ones around her. Happy birthday to that sweet little girl who looks just like her Momma!!!